Discussion: URL generation and handling in post-realURL times
(v.a. Extension "sluggi")

14.09.22, 5:30 pm

Language: German

Ulfried Herrmann (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Christiane Coester (Universität des Saarlandes), Wolfgang Klinger, Extension developer sluggi (plan2net)

Speaking URLs have been a core feature since TYPO3 v9. What good and bad experiences have you had with this in your TYPO3 installations? Which features are missing? What difficulties do you have with it and how can / could they be solved?

The extension sluggi seems to be essential for TYPO3 sites with many editors. Do its functionalities belong in the core or can and should universities support a continuous development of the extension?

In the discussion we want to find out the needs of the universities and initiate an exchange of experiences and best practices.

Video recording

URL generation and handling in post-realURL times